What Injuries Lead To A Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?
Compensation Claims
Compensation claims in hernia mesh lawsuits include recovering past and future medical expenses and wage loss. Non-economic damages include quality of life losses, business losses, and pain and suffering.
Compensation claims in hernia mesh lawsuits include economic losses, Non-economic losses, and punitive damages.
Economic damages in an average hernia mesh settlement include:
Medical expenses—past, future, and ongoing
Hospital expenses—past and future
Lost wages—past and future
Home care expenses—past, future, and ongoing
Punitive damages
In cases where the jury finds a defendant’s behavior particularly negligent or harmful, they may award punitive damages in addition to compensation for economic and noneconomic losses. Punitive damages punish the defendant and discourage the behavior from happening again.
Contact an attorney right away to make sure your lawsuit is filed in time. Eligibility guidelines may vary depending on the patient or law firm accepting cases; however, there are a few basic requirements.